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Photo wallpapers, examples of mural prints
Photo wallpapers
• odorless
• non-toxic
• standard and self-adhesive materials
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Digital print on wallpaper - Wall murals, photo wallpaper, self adhesive wallpaper

wall murals, photo wallpaper, custom wall murals, custom photo wallpaper,wallpaper from picture, self adhesive wallpaper

Uncompromising quality digital print on wallpaper. We print photo wallpapers on the professional Latex plotter - HP Latex 360. This plotter uses a water-based Latex inks, which allows odorless, non-toxic and waterproof printing in a breakthrough photographic quality, that reproduces even the finest details with a perfect reproduction of colours. We print on different types of materials, with different structures and gramatures.

You can also order a self adhesive wallpaper. Self adhesive wallpaper is easy to mount and you do not need to use extra adhesive. Self adhesive wallpaper is dedicated for smooth surfaces.

We can produce custom wall murals or self adhesive wallpaper of any size and print wall mural from the pictures delivered by the customer. Custom photo wallpaper creates incredible and unique visual effect, you can order your own wall mural by uploading your picture online.

All wall murals delivered by our company are rolled and depending on the overall product size, are cut into seperate stripes, each stripe is around (depending on the material type) 60cm up to 150cm wide to provide easy installation.
Available materials:
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Our gallery is made on the base of photographs taken by the best paid photographers and graphic artists from all over the world. Our works are made thanks to the most developed print technology. Each poster, picture, photo wallpaper or sticker is custom-built and guarantees a unique effect.
From your photo
Upload your own image, define the size and type of your custom product.
Print from your file
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